HCA Application & Licensing
The Department of Health approves and renews Home Care Aide licenses.
To apply for your Home Care Aide license and get a state exam date, you must submit the following items to the Department of Health, Home Care Aide Credentialing at P.O. Box 1099, Olympia, WA 98507:
Application fee $100 (check or money order made out to Department of Health)
- if you would like to take your state HCA exam at our OLYMPIA training school,
enter our Regional Test Site code: WAREGOLMP
- if you would like to take your state HCA exam at our VANCOUVER training school,
enter our Regional Test Site Code: WA-REGSHTC
Copy of your DSHS approved 75-hour training program (do NOT send your original, it will not be returned)
If you don't have a social security number, you will also need to fill out this declaration page.
You can also submit an online application to Department of Health
Instructions to apply online can be found on DOH's website at: https://doh.wa.gov/licenses-permits-and-certificates/professions-new-renew-or-update/home-care-aide/licensing-information.
Test Date
After receiving your materials/fees, DOH will notify Prometric (the testing company) you are ready for a test date. Prometric will email you with instructions on how to pay for the test and schedule the date/time for your test.
Contact the Department of Health credentialing unit: 360-236-4700 or hmccreview@doh.wa.gov
Contact Prometric: 1-800-324-4689 or wahca@prometric.com
HCA State Exam
Prometric holds the state contract for administering the Washington Home Care Aide exam.

We encourage students to practice for both the written and skills exams.
We have two knowledge practices exams available:
Students who attended S&H Training Center are also welcome to practice at the school for the skills test. Just call 360-539-7423 or email sarah@sandhtraining.com to arrange a time.
TB Testing
TB testing might be required by your employer.
Places to get a TB test:
Your primary care physician
SeaMar Clinics
Indigo Urgent Care Clinics
*There is currently a nation-wide shortage of TB skin test antigens
Background Check
A background check will be performed by your employer.
If you are not currently employed, you can obtain your name and date of birth background check online for $11 from the Washington State Patrol at:
Disqualify Crimes:
Certain criminal convictions, pending charges, and negative actions automatically disqualify a person from having unsupervised access to vulnerable adults, juveniles, and children, or working for Residential Care Services, Nursing Homes, Assisted Living Facilities, Adult Family Homes, and Home Care agencies.